Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life:
Nu lua Viata pre in serious .. Oricum nimeni nu iese viu din ea ! ( Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.) .. Es ist nicht der Tod worueber Wir uns fuerchten muessen , er ist nur eine schwelle die wir alle ueberschreiten muessen hinein in die Stille nach dem letzten Herzschlag und Wir entschwinden nach dem letzten Atemzug in den Ewigen Frieden ...darum sollten Wir danach trachten in guter erinnerung derer zu bleiben die wir lieben . Try to be a awesome Memory and you will be Immortal ...(admonitio bene velint manere immortales eritis )
Five Things I Can't Live Without:
Family , Friends , my sword , my 98er , my bike , LOVE ....oops thats 6
Favorite Books:
Die Edda,Das geschenkte Gesicht, Die Reden des Cicero,Lord of the Rings,Asterix & Obelix
What I Like To Do For Fun:
play with my Grandchilds , go fishing , reenactment , fb , be on Mfc to visit friends ...
Favorite Movies:
The Live of Brian , Die Bruecke ,Lord of the Rings,Mary Poppins ,08/15
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done:
1977 we walk 4 Weeks with Pathfinders(scouts) around Sweden !....
visit Mfc and fall in love to a Girl who deserve much more than she ever can get here ...
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now:
in the higlands or in Romania .. where ever i can say .. 'Im at Home now '
Perfect Date:
the Girl i want to meet , knows about ;)
Best Reason to Get to Know Me:
ask me when you meet me ;)
.. I need to say thank you to all my friends and enemys for all the Years staying here with me wishes for thous who quit and i'll pray for the friends who gone forever (dunno if they have Wifi in Hell .lol )

More Images @ Merry Christmas my friend!
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