Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life:
Five Things I Can't Live Without:
my computer, internet, water, books, freedom
Favorite Books:
Oh so very many. Why don't you ask?
What I Like To Do For Fun:
To be honest? World of Warcraft. I also love biking, rollerblading, camping, travel, other video games, and organizing my apartment.
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now:
I would be relaxing someplace warm and bright with lots of hills and trees near the ocean
I love to draw, paint, sculpt, dance, bike, and about 500 other things that may take my fancy
I can hula hoop like a fiend. I also know how to spin fire (poi). Other than that I am remarkably untalented.
Perfect Date:
I really don't know. I've never been on an amazing date, and I don't think I could plan one as surprise is part of the perfection.