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Profile Headline: Why are you here? Get out! I wasn't expecting company!
Last Login: 1 year ago
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About Me
Username: JustBae
Gender: Male
Body Type: Ample
Hair: Balding
Weight: 666 pounds
Height: 9 inches
Age: 119
City: Omnipresent
Country: Liechtenstein
Sexual Preference: Straight
Occupation/Major: Gilf Hunter, Professional Sodomizer, Shitty Friend. I'm a cunt!
School: Enough
Favorite Food: Preetza
Pets: Armpit
Automobile: P.O.S
About Me: Why have you read this far? You are creeping me too hard. I feel uncomfortable.
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Interests & Hobbies
Favorite Books: Anything by Rob Schneider.
What I Like To Do For Fun: Die slowly under the feet of frolicing ballerinas.
Favorite Songs: That Pharell song "Happy". You know the one. It goes like, "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands."
Favorite Movies: Foodfight
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done: I do this all the time, but I take straws and stick them in my drinks and pull them out and put them in and pull them out and put them in and pull them out and put them in and pull them out and put them in and pull them out and put them in and pull them out and put them in and pull them out and put them in and pull them out and put them in and pull them out and put them in and pull them out and put them in to simulate sex. It's a riot.
Hobbies: Staring awkwardly at women.
Perfect Mate: Jesus
Best Reason to Get to Know Me: I'm a unique snowflake unlike anyone else on this planet because pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft.
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