Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life:
Know thyself (Temet Nosce).
Only then may you understand others or anything else.
Five Things I Can't Live Without:
1. Idiots with causes that can't grasp basic concepts/
2. Those who belittle others by making excuses for them.
3. Humorless souls.
4. Badly prepared food.
5. A lack of style.
Favorite Books:
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind.
Favorite Songs:
The Beatles, Steely Dan
Favorite Movies:
Out of Africa
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now:
I'd be here. It's always NOW here. I'm where it's at and I want you with me.
Foodie, Techie (PC Hardware), Photographer (digital SLR), Bon Vivant
Perfect Mate:
Bright and beautiful. Flashing eyes. Understands me because she can process complexity.
Perfect Date:
Dinner and a Movie (at home). I cook and we watch a great film on my home theatre. Later, in the dark...
Best Reason to Get to Know Me:
All you can learn and gain from me.