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Profile Headline: Emm swows
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About Me
Username: Mmmswows
CamScore: 396
Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Ethnicity: East Indian
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Gray
Weight: 139 pounds
Height: 65 inches
Age: 21
City: atlanta
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Smoke: Occasional
Drink: Occasional
Drugs: Occasionally
Marital Status: Single
Occupation/Major: business administration /art
School: AIU
Favorite Food: dessert
Pets: pits
Automobile: Couple of em
About Me: single mom in school trying to get ahead financially... love to be watch and fill fantasies and keep it all a secret... to fill your sexual request
Tags: mmm sex, mmm swows, swows, swows1, mmmswows, mmmuah, 2swows, swow, ass, ass shots, mmmmm, sexy, indian, booty, mocha pocahontas, poca hinnus, new, long hair, grey eyes, shaved, juicy, deep throat, head, young, cute, dazzle, soowsemm, big ass, big pussy, squirter, wet wet, emm swows
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My Schedule
Sunday (drop in to find out!)
Monday (drop in to find out!)
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Thursday I'm Usually online from 11:00 pm until 5:00 am
Friday I'm Usually online from 11:30 pm until 5:00 am
Saturday I'm Usually online from 11:30 pm until 5:00 am
Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life: to be successful find true love and build a family to share love the love I have in me with all my fans friends and family
Five Things I Can't Live Without: food lipstick orgasms amusement bein able to give and receive love
Favorite Books: porn
What I Like To Do For Fun: amusement parks parties recreational events concerts clubs building art gallery make music dance
Favorite Songs: hip hop / r&b / pop/slow rock/blues ...anything that tugs on the feels
Favorite Movies:
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Craziest Thing I've Ever Done: have sex outside in public places i have a fetish!!!
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now: a 9 figure income and lifestyle to match diff condos by amazing views and vistas in diff states and countries and many avenues to make income that I love
Hobbies: traveling new experiences and meeting new people fine dining beaches waterparks and pool parties any parties really.. working out amusement parks , social parties deep conversations, shopping, talking and meeting my fans, spending time with fam, learning new things, experimenting with new ideas an perspectives, online shoppin, collecting things not every one has
Talents: poetry, lyrics singing, rapping, hair styles, art, music producing, anything creative really hostin parties party promotion, running my self employed businesses as CEO
Perfect Mate: stable emotionally financially, mentally, intense sex drive, conversationalist, realist adventurous very loving but strong, easy going spontaneous with creative ideas
Perfect Date: good food, good sex, quality time, views into the mind (let me read you like a book) let me keep your secrets extracurricular, innovative, authentic to able to pry nto you mind and life and see a glimpse of yo happiness adrenaline rushes I love (safe)
Turn Ons/Offs: cheap, haters, feminists, racists party poopers compliment fishers, attention, time, and energy vampires gas lighters, thieves, liars disrespect
Best Reason to Get to Know Me: a genuine sweet person my personality is fantabulous.... IM JUS AWESOME i heal hearts not hurt them!!
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thanks love tell your friend sponsor and support me in my dream tryna be big
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