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About Me
Username: STONED_2
Gender: Male
Body Type: Muscular
Ethnicity: Various
Hair: Bald
Eyes: Brown
Weight: 205 pounds
Height: 70 inches
Age: 43
City: vancouver
Country: Canada
Sexual Preference: Straight
Smoke: Non Smoker
Drink: Light
Drugs: Experimented
Marital Status: Single
Occupation/Major: carpainter
School: yup
Favorite Food: all types
Pets: no :(
Automobile: yes
Tags: fun, respectable, nerd, gamer, refined, mature, male, honest, brutally honest, moron because honesty, troll
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Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life: be happy. Find happiness who cares about meaning if there is no joy. Who cares about fulfillment if you aren't happy...
Five Things I Can't Live Without: videogames internet smoothies healthy amounts of laughter nicotine
Favorite Books: comic books. Marvel comics. Only the ones where heroes die. Heroes don't die from something small or trivial. Only great events and great stories.
What I Like To Do For Fun: videogames
Favorite Songs: House music Fav song, you know it if you know me
Favorite Movies: American beauty Big Lebowski Batman trilogy (you know the ones) Secret Life of Walter Mitty The Martian Equilibrium comedy movies with Mike Myers, Will Farrel, John C Riley, or Ben Stiller
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now: inside you?
Hobbies: videogames
Talents: I am the best at whatever i do. Not cause of natural skill. Just determination and luck
Perfect Mate: doesn't exist, and exists everywhere
Perfect Date: menchies! You learn everything about someone at that place. Do they sample everytihng first? Know right away before stepping in what flavor is desired? Candy or chocolate or gummies or fruit ontop? etc...
Turn Ons/Offs: ON: Boobs, Smile, Eyes, Personality Off: No smile, no/ugly personality
Best Reason to Get to Know Me: i dunno, ask those that know me, they'll tell you why
Message Wall
you are amazing, genuine, sincere and the best very funny.

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