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Profile Headline: seehappy
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Meaning of Life: to be happy.
Five Things I Can't Live Without: air water earth fire my self.
Favorite Books: The Four Agreements- Miguel Ruiz A Thousand Paths To Tranquility- David Baird
What I Like To Do For Fun: practice divination. hiking doodling primarily spend time alone, but when with friends I like to toke and talk of life. im more introverted, so ill just sit back, draw, and listen to everyone else. when I smoke my inspiration can run wild at the hand of other peoples stories.
Favorite Songs: 'tidus'-- my main tunes rn
Favorite Movies: Ace Ventura- pet detective
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done: ran away at 17, half way through the summer before senior year. I dipped my moms because I wouldve rather left with only faith to my name, then to think suicidal and tolerate the shit my stepdad put me through. I was on amber alert for 2 months, I got about 200 miles away from home and met all sorts of people. went back home 2 months later after getting caught, eventually i went back to school and i never even finished high school. lol
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now: Id be here.
Hobbies: i like drawing/painting, reading, crafting and gardening.
Talents: ive been exploring art since i was 2 yo. pretty much practiced everyday since then.
Best Reason to Get to Know Me: Ive been through a lot. my wisdom will either help, or it will offend. overall im super observant and I have ears for understanding the perception of others. my heart is made of gold and im growing consistently.
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Hi love , let me be the one here to give sweet kisses to you all over your body specially the tender parts, welcome to MFC, you are a truly lovely beautiful sexy girl I hope you enjoy mfc and all always treat you well. I also hope that you achieve all you desire not just here but in anything you do and your life is always full of love, joy and happiness Good luck to you. Rated and admired you. Add me as your friend, I would be pleased if you would write to me on my profile page
Hi dear lady, welcome to MFC. Rated you 5 stars and admired. Wishing you a wonderful time here.
Welcome here to MFC Good Luck and best wishes may you have great fortune and lots of fun
my #1 quote-- "In order to carry a positive action we must first have a positive vision." by Dalai Lama this represents my logo/name as an artist, and the message i have to give to the world.

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