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Profile Headline: Lifes like a jump rope - Up, down, up, down - It will get hard!
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About Me
Username: ShyGirlxxx
CamScore: 1179
Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Red
Eyes: Hazel
Weight: 115 pounds
Height: 68 inches
Age: 50
City: Emerald City
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Straight
Smoke: Occasional
Drink: Occasional
Drugs: Experimented
Marital Status: Divorced
Occupation/Major: MFC until I get in a better place
School: College Degree
Favorite Food: Bacon
Pets: Jersey the Boxer, Dexter the pug, Scarlet the cat, Yertle the turtle, Sara the turtle and Nicky the
Automobile: A conversion van - don't laugh because it gets me where I need to go
About Me: I have been fortunate enough to have experienced ALL social classes in my lifetime. I have been dirt poor (and I mean POOR). A college student working full time for next to NOTHING. A college graduate with an entry level position. A driven professional who eventually worked my way to the top of the ladder to support my husband (at the time) and his dream to start his own business. Now I am single, I am a Mom (a damn good one) and unemployed thanks to the IT job market in my area - IT SUCKS. I am doing this to pay the bills. The pay isn't near as good but I admit this is WAY more FUN! I have so much to be thankful for and I try really hard to focus on that fact alone. The year has been rough for SO many reasons, I made it this long and this far...I am hoping next year is the better one. I am not a pro, I have no crazy fantasies that I will strike it rich here and asking for money is just not something I have ever been able to do. I hope that if you are taking the time to read this you understand. This is my income - times suck for A LOT of people - I understand that YOU might be one of those people - I don't BEG for tips - Please don't BEG to see my body - Please don't BEG for my undivided attention UNLESS 1)You have taken the time to get to know me as a PERSON or 2) You are able to compensate me for my time. I love to meet new people - I don't care how much money you have. Let's get to know each other...and let's have some fun! If you like what you see, if you are enjoying yourself - show some love with some tips. I will play, get naked and stay that way as long as I am being respected and not used. I will always be open and honest and I will not enter a Private session unless I am sure that I can give you what you want. I am out spoken, love sarcasm and I use it a lot. If you are not into that then I might not be the girl that you need to be spending time with or spending money on. Lets try it, see what happens! I really am the woman you see on cam. I am horrible at faking anything (yea, I don't fake orgasm either). I have met some unbelievably GREAT people on MFC, made friends for life and I LOVE THAT. If you are a Basic member and would like to PM me - Ask me in Public chat...I can't guarantee that my friends won't harass you - But I am not an unfriendly person. If I like you...I will TRY not to notice the BASIC under your name. :)
Tags: small tits, thin, red hair, shaved, 36
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Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life: I believe I am on this earth for MANY reasons. The obvious is my daughter (MY HEART!). I also volunteer for projects that are near and dear to me, I am passionate about many things and I am a LOYAL friend. I don't like gossip, I don't watch TV and I know how to keep a secret. My friends would tell you that I am the 3 am call hands down. If you respect me, make me laugh and have a will get that and more in return. Oh wait...meaning of life? Am I the only one that thinks this is a stupid question to ask MFC models? PORN! Is that the right answer?
Five Things I Can't Live Without: My little girl, my Nikon, my favorite vibe, my amazing friends and my crazy family.
Favorite Books: Books: Dispatcher The Posionwood Bible Where the Red Fern Grows Are You There, Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea The Griffin and Sabine Trilogy She's Come Undone Map of the World Ellen Foster The Book of Ruth Timepiece Different Seasons To Kill a Mockingbird Dictionaries and a few... Books I want to read soon: The Great Gatsby 1984 Lord of the Flies (The only cliff note I ever purchased in college) Catcher in the Rye - for the second time because I didn't like it. And everyone who talks to me about this book likes it. Did I miss a really vital chapter?
What I Like To Do For Fun: Photography (anything but weddings) and I am still searching for that happily ever after man of my dreams. I admit that I have lost a little faith but I still hope he is out there somewhere! OMG this is starting to sound like a lame personal ad! LOL
Favorite Songs: This could be worse than the book section but I will refrain. Blues, Rock, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Metallica and...
Favorite Movies: All time favorite - Shawshank Redemption - I love horror movies, any B rated movie can be entertaining if you watch it with the right person (or people), The Planet Earth Series and anything with Gerard Butler because he is...he is just fucking sexy. What? I listen to you guys talk about all the HOTT WOMEN. My turn! :)
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done: Skydiving was INSANE, getting naked on MFC was terrifying but oh so much fun!
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now: On a nice King size bed with a man between my legs licking me. Being treated like the queen of orgasm. MMMMMHHHHMMMM! Second choice would be on the beach - with the same scenario! :)
Hobbies: Reading, running, playing with MY dog while trying to avoid contact with my daughters dog (He tries to kill everyone BUT her), LOVE playing old school arcade games, I collect cameras, recently started writing a book (at this rate it will be a shitty article at best)
Talents: Is clumsy a talent?
Perfect Mate: Interesting question...Everyone has a list of things they really like about people. I have theories about soul mates or perfect mates - I am not sure how to make it sound interesting enough that you would want to read it. I do know that the perfect mate, RIGHT NOW, would have to find MFC entertaining, at the very least. Otherwise...A good chance that they disapprove with my choice of work and then it wouldn't be so perfect anymore.
Perfect Date: Date? What is that?
Turn Ons/Offs: Turn ons - I am shy but I admit that there is a dirty girl in here. Come find her! Turn offs - Begging, begging and begging. I am not really turned off by anything sexually - there are things that just don't do it for ME - If I don't want to do it - I won't. Don't be afraid to ask me or share with me...I won't be offended. Please don't take offense if it is not my thing. I am 36 years old and I would be really surprised if you could shock me with your sexual fantasies. Best lesson I have learned is too never judge others. Just don't make up stuff to shock me because I will assume you are telling me YOUR fantasies. If you can't be honest with a really cool girl on MFC, you might consider a new, less ILLEGAL, fantasy. Let us explore a new one, or 2 or 10! :)
Best Reason to Get to Know Me: I am silly, fun, genuine and I like to think I can be sexy too. I am a loyal friend and love to meet new people. I am usually very shy but don't confuse that with being prude. I am very comfortable with my body and love to explore. I am not insecure but I am NOT model material. I am not easily offended, I do not judge people and I am HORNY A LOT! MOST of the time, if not, ALL of the time. :)
Message Wall
Nice to see you sweetheart, Hope all is well in your world... Until again, can't know I love ya!!!!
Absolutely the most interesting, sweetest and sexiest women. You prove that everyone else is competing for second best.
You are such a breath of fresh air. Definately not the norm. Just as Beautiful and Sexy as it gets.
you are the best sexy... can't imagine spending time with a better woman. life is short, grab on to it while you can. beerman
I love that Penn! Teep me bb!
You sound really interesting. I'm glad you've cum on here. Pretty special. Thanks!
welcome to accidental meeting but funny....

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