we still miss your face girl...hope all is well
Such a fresh face
and always in a great mood. I miss you Cammie,
still missing your face girl....
i was a pleasure meeting you...hope all is well
been Missing your face hope all is well!
Miss you and wish you well and hope all is great in your world my love email me some time my friend miss you very much
Seems like you have left MFC (for good?). Hope all is well and I wish you the best
hi cammie hope u ok just to let u know squirty is back
Fabulous and come back on soon miss you my love
hey cammie hope you are good,miss your smile...camgod
u r my fav model on here even if u dont what me in yr room i will alway rape and Admirer u from yr biggest fan jabba110 ps i am so sorry if i pissed u off but i dont know what i did to up set but i am truely sorry that i did
Love you and can't wait for our show my love
just gorgeous and fabulous
Just fabulous my dear thanks for making my birthday better then it was always my pleasure
one of the cutest prettiest and greatest lady on mfc
Always my pleasure babe see you soon
Hey sweetie, i was thinking about you and wanted to come show some love! Can not wait to chat again and have some fun!

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Hugs and Licks ARIZONA

Trying something new, sorry if it does not take