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Profile Headline: SmileMyLady
Last Login: 1 year ago
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About Me
Username: SmileMyLady
Gender: Male
Body Type: Athletic
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Weight: 100 kilos
Height: 192 centimeters
Age: 57
City: San Antonio, Texas
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Straight
Smoke: Non Smoker
Drink: Light
Drugs: Never
Marital Status: Married
Occupation/Major: Attorney/ Lawyer
Pets: Dog
About Me: Best wishes to everybody. I have met wonderful people here at MFC. I believe I will be leaving MFC soon. Those that know me as a friend are welcome to reach me for other contact information. I value the friends I have met here. I fear the other insincerity and judgements undermine those friendships. When I leave try Skyp-Smile MyLady or Chihawk111 at yhoo to find me. At this point I'd rather not meet new people. Nothing personal. It's just the stage I am at. Married 12 years to wife from Ukraine. Love my wife and brought her whole family to San Antonio, Texas USA. Put her family in the house across the street from me. I like to chat first to make it more like a 'Cam Date'. If you don't want to take the time I understand. For me, this is mostly friends and chatting to get through a lonely time at travel for work. I traveled to all of Western and Central Europe plus Prague, Hungary, Slovakia, Ukraine and Russia (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Siberia (Novosibirsk, Kemerovo)). I have always admired many women living around the Black Sea. The beauty and femininity is like nowhere else in the word. I have friends and relatives over there and understand how things are now. I understand why we are here and I respect and enjoy those women most. I welcome a chat to make a day fun. We live in the moment for now and I will try to make all of the moments fun for both of us. Let me romance you and enjoy the time together. In return, I will be a gentleman and a friend while taking care of you as well. Take care all.
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Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life: Magyar Profil angol betuk MFC szamitogepes program: Orulok, hogy beszelni es tippeket lanyok Romania, Ukrajna, Oroszorszag, Bulgaria, Moldavia, Csehorszag, Szlovakia es Magyarorszag. Hazas 12 eves feleseget, hogy Ukrajna. Szeretem a felesegemet, es elhozta az egesz csaladjat San Antonio, Texas USA-ban. Tedd oket a haz az utca tuloldalan tolem. Amikor elmegyek privat Nagyon szeretek egy not. Szeretek beszelgetni 1., hogy ez tobb, mint egy 'Cam datum'. Ha nem akarod, hogy az ido, hogy megertem. Szamomra ez leginkabb baratokkal es beszelgetni, hogy egy maganyos utazasi ido a munkara. Utaztam, hogy minden nyugat-es kozep-europai, valamint Praga, Magyarorszag, Szlovakia, Ukrajna es Oroszorszag (Szentpetervar, Moszkva, Sziberiaban (Novoszibirszk, Kemerovo)). Mindig csodaltam sok no el a Fekete-tenger. A szepseg es a noiesseg, mint sehol mashol a szot. Vannak barataim es a rokonok oda es megerteni, hogy a dolgok most. Megertem, hogy miert vagyunk itt, es tisztelem, es elvezze azokat a noket leginkabb. Udvozlom a cseveges, hogy egy vidam napot. Elunk abban a pillanatban, es most megprobalom, hogy minden a szorakozas pillanatait mindkettonk szamara. Hadd romantika meg, es elvezze az egyutt toltott idot. Cserebe en egy uriember es egy baratja, mikozben vigyaz rad is. Ugyeljen minden.
Favorite Books: There is harmony between generosity and appreciation. Both are virtues. Neither survives without the other. Give the virtue you have and honor all virtues returned. RUSSIAN: Sooshtyestvooyet garmoniya myezdoo shtyedrostj i priznatyeljnostj. Oba yavlyayotsya dobrodyetyelyami. Ni vizivayet byez drooga. Daytye siloo oo vas yestj i soblyodatj vsye dobrodyetyeli vyernoolsya. ROMANIAN: Nu exista armonie intre generozitate si apreciere. Ambele sunt virtuti. Nici supravietuieste fara celalalt. Da virtutea aveti si onora toate virtutile returnate.
Favorite Songs:
Favorite Movies: Slovenskych Profil s anglickymi listy pre MFC programu: S prianim vsetkeho najlepsieho vsetkym. Stretol som sa s bajecnych ludi tu na MFC. Aj opusti MFC coskoro. Ti, ktori ma poznaju ako priatela su vitani na dosiahnutie ma dalsie kontaktne informacie. Vazim si priatelov som stretol tu. Ostatni ludia a usudky poskodit tie priatelstva. Ked necham vyskusat skype-Smile Mylady alebo Chihawk111 na YHOO ma nast. Na tomto mieste by som radsej spoznat novych ludi. Nic osobneho. Je to len bod, som na. Som rad, ze hovorit a tip s dievcatami z Slovensko. Zenaty 12 rokov za manzelku z Ukrajiny. Rad svoju zenu a priviedol ju celu rodinu do San Antonio, Texas USA. Dajte je v dome cez ulicu od mna. Idem sukromnu, ak ma naozaj bavi zenu. Paci sa mi na chat prvy, robit to ako Datum Cam. Ak nechcete, aby cas, ja to chapem. Pre mna je to vacsinou priatelia a chatovanie sa dostat cez osamele casu na cestovanie za pracou. Ja som cestoval na vsetky zapadnej a strednej Europy a navyse v Prahe, Madarsku, na slovenske, Ukrajine a Rusku (Petrohrad, Moskva, Sibir (Novosibirsk, Kemerovo)). Vzdy som obdivoval mnohe zeny zijuce v blizkosti Cierneho mora. Krasu a zenskost je ako nikde inde v slove. Mam priatelov a pribuznych tam a pochopit, ako sa veci maju teraz. Chapem, preco sme tu a ja respektujem a vychutnat si tie zeny najviac. Vtam chatu, aby si den zabavu. Zijeme v dobe pre teraz a budem sa snazit, aby sa vsetky okamihy zabavy pre nas oboch. Dovolte mi, aby som vas romantika a uzit si spolocne stravene chvile. Na oplatku, budem pan a priatel pri starostlivosti o Vas. Dbajte na vsetky.
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done: I thought everything I do makes sense. Friends tell me this list is long. You decide.
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now: B lgarski profil s anglijski bukvi za MFC kompjut rna programa: Shtastliv s m da se govori i v rha s momicheta ot Rum niJa, Ukrajna, RusiJa, B lgariJa, Moldova, ChehiJa, SlovakiJa i UngariJa. Zhenen ot 12 godini za zhena ot Ukrajna. Obicham s prugata si i cJaloto semejstvo v San Antonio, Teksas, SASht. Slozhete gi v k shtata ot drugata strana na ulicata ot men. Da otida lichno, kogato naistina se radvat na edna zhena. Haresva mi da razgovarJat p rvo da napravi po-skoro kato 'Data Cam'. Ako ne iskate da otdelite vreme razbiram. Za men tova e naj-veche priJateli i razgovori za da poluchite chrez samotno vreme v p tuvane za rabota. P tuvah cJala Zapadna i Centralna Evropa pljus Praga, UngariJa, SlovakiJa, Ukrajna i RusiJa (Sankt Peterburg, Moskva, Sibir (Novosibirsk, Kemerovo),). Vinagi s m se v zhishtaval mnogo zheni, koito zhiveJat okolo Cherno more. Krasota i zhenstvenost, kakto nik de drugade v dumata. Imam priJateli i rodnini tam i da razberem kak stoJat neshtata sega. Az razbiram, zashto sme tuk i az uvazhavam i se nasladite na tezi zheni, koito sa naj. Az privetstvam chata, za da se zabavlJavash cJal den. Nie zhiveem v momenta, za sega i az shte se opita da napravi vsichko na momenti zabavno i za dvama ni. Pozvolete mi da vi romantika i da se naslazhdavate na vremeto, prekarano zaedno. V zamJana na tova az shte b da dzhent lmen i priJatel, kato s shtevremenno se grizhi za vas, kakto e dobre. Vnimavajte vsichki.
Hobbies: Russkaja profilja s anglijskimi bukvami dlja MFC programmy: S nailoochshimi pozyelaniyami vsyem. Ya vstryetil zamyechatyelnikh lyodyey zdyes, v MFC. Ya boodoo ostaviv MFC v blizayshyeye vryemya. Tye, kto znayot myenya kak droogua mozyetye svyazatsya so mnoy po drooguooyo kontaktnooyo informatziyo. Ya tzyenyo droozyey, kotorikh ya vstryetil zdyes.Drooguikh lyodyey i soozdyeniy vryedit tyem, droozyeskiye otnoshyeniya. Koguda ya pitayos ostavit Skyp-Smile MyLady ili Chihawk111 na YHOO chtobi nayti myenya. Na danniy momyent ya bi nye khotyel vstryetitsya s novimi lyodmi. Nichyeguo lichnoguo. Eto prosto tochka ya v. Ya schastliv, chto guovorit i sklonit chashoo s dyevooshkami iz Ukraini ii Rossii. Zhyenat 12 lyet, zhyena iz Ukraini. Lyobov moya zhyena, i privyel yeye vsyey syemyey v San-Antonio, shtat Tyekhas, SShA. Pomyestitye ikh v domye chyeryez doroguoo ot myenya. Ya idoo, koguda chastniye Mnye ochyen nravitsya zhyenshtina. Mnye nravitsya obshtatsya pyervim sdyelat eto bolshye pokhozhye na 'Cam datye'. Yesli vi nye khotitye tratit vryemya, ya ponimayo. Dlya myenya, eto v osnovnom droozhya i obshtatsya v chatye, chtobi proyti chyeryez odinokiy vryemya poyezdok na rabotoo. Ya yezdil na vsyo Zapadnooyo i Tzyentralnooyo Yevropoo plyos Praguye, Vyengurii, Slovakii, Ookraini i Rossii (Sankt-Pyetyerboorgu, Moskva, Sibir (Novosibirsk, Kyemyerovo)). Ya vsyeguda voskhishtalsya mnoguimi zhyenshtinami, zhivooshtimi vokroogu Chyernoguo morya. Krasota i zhyenstvyennost, kak nigudye v slovye. Oo myenya yest droozhya i rodstvyenniki tam, i ponyat, kak obstoyat dyela syeychas. Ya ponimayo, pochyemoo mi zdyes, i ya oovazhayo i naslazhdatsya tyem zhyenshtinam bolshye vsyeguo. Ya privyetstvooyo chatye, chtobi dyen vyesyelo. Mi zhivyem v momyent, i ya postarayos sdyelat vsye zabavniye momyenti dlya nas oboikh. Pozvoltye mnye vam romantikoo i priyatno provyesti vryemya vmyestye. V svoyo ochyeryed, ya boodoo guospodinom i drooguom, a zabotit sya o vas. Byeryeguitye syebya.
Talents: Romaneasca de profil, cu litere de limba engleza pentru programul de MFC: Cele mai bune urari pentru toata lumea. Am intalnit oameni minunati aici la MFC. Eu voi pleca in curand MFC. Cei care ma stiu ca un prieten sunt bineveniti sa-mi ajunga pentru alte date de contact. Apreciez prietenii i-am intalnit aici. De alte persoane si judecatile rau aceste prietenii. Cand m-am lasa incerc Skyp- Smile MyLady sau Chihawk111 la yhoo sa ma gaseasca. In acest moment eu nu as intalni oameni noi, mai degraba. Nu e nimic personal. E doar punctul I sunt la. Sunt fericit sa vorbeasca si sa incline cu fetele din Romania. Casatorit de 12 ani cu sotia de la Ucraina. Iubesc sotia mea si a adus toata familia la San Antonio, Texas, Statele Unite ale Americii. Pune-le in casa de peste drum de mine. Ma duc privat atunci cand am bucura cu adevarat de o femeie. Imi place pentru a discuta primul pentru a face mai mult ca un 'Data Cam'. Daca nu doriti sa luati timp am inteles. Pentru mine, aceasta este cea mai mare parte prietenii si chat-ul pentru a obtine printr-un singur moment la calatorie pentru locul de munca. Am calatorit in toata Europa de Vest si Europa Centrala, plus Praga, Ungaria, Slovacia, Ucraina si Rusia (Sankt Petersburg, Moscova, Siberia (Novosibirsk, Kemerovo)). Am admirat intotdeauna multe femei care traiesc in jurul Marii Negre.Frumusetea si feminitatea este ca nicaieri in alta parte cuvantul. Am prieteni si rude de acolo si sa inteleaga cum stau lucrurile acum. Am inteles de ce suntem aici, si voi respecta si voi bucura de aceste femei cel mai mult. Salut unei sesiuni de chat pentru a face o distractie pe zi. Noi traim in momentul de acum si voi incerca sa fac din toate momentele de distractie, atat de noi. Permiteti-mi sa va dragoste si bucurati-va timp impreuna. In schimb, voi fi un gentleman si un prieten in timp ce avea grija de tine, ca de bine. Aveti grija toate.
Perfect Mate: Perfect chat: Smile a lot. Be playful and fun and do what makes you feel best. Don't feel pressured. This should be fun for both of us.
Perfect Date: YOU. Real men appreciate and discover a woman. And the experience should be fun and is always an honor when offered.
Turn Ons/Offs: Turn on: Look right in the camera eye/lens and smile. It works on me every time. Turn off: Demanding people. I am more generous than most and will reward kindness even more. But get too pushy and I have to leave.
Best Reason to Get to Know Me: Best wishes to everybody. I have met wonderful people here at MFC. I believe I will be leaving MFC soon. Those that know me as a friend are welcome to reach me for other contact information. I value the friends I have met here. I fear the other insincerity and judgements undermine those friendships. When I leave try Skyp-Smile MyLady or Chihawk111 at y to find me. At this point I'd rather not meet new people. Nothing personal. It's just the stage I am at. Nice guy. Respectful gentleman.
Message Wall
i see a lot of girls appreciate you.i see you mean much to them. i see too that your leaving was maybe not such a good decision.i didn t want that to happend but i really can t handle...and you know it.i would like to say you and to the girls.glad you can be find by them...always luv u, kiss u and hug u.eschimo kisses to my angel from his smarty.
Thank you very much! You made my day!
thank u sweet friend hugssssss and kisses i am proud that i have friend like u
thx bee my friend

Friends - Comments and Images!
I'm happy because i meet a person like you. Muahhhh
u are the best, gentile, cute, honest, gentilman..dream of girls!! love u sweetheart!!(L)
my sweetheart, u are the best friend i ever had!!muaaaaaaaaaah!!
Betyia, the feelings are totally shared. You are cherished in all ways and to the greatest extent.
You are the best friend i could ever have...
Kiss from Delia
kisses for you!!!!
Kisses Comments Pictures
Velmi mily a prijemny clovek, rada som Ta spoznala...
i hpote to see u here ,i really like u
i love yu i like u
Like 'Masha y Medved'. You are the sweetest tiger-eyed playful Masha. I am a Medved trying to hold you.
kiss my dear!!!!!!!!! Misha with me))lol

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