hey come visit me and we can puff n stuff
Just call me milk, I'll do your body good
Rest in Peace, my friend. I miss chatting with you.
R.I.P spy man .. rest in peace
Oh my god, I can't believe I just found out you past away

You were always the one to cheer me up no matter what! Heaven gained another angel! Does anyone know what happened?
Happy Birthday David The Blue Team Miss You

u been a great amazing friend ... cant get used with the idea ...so saad !
R.I.P old friend we nerver foregt u
I can not believe it ....u are a angel now.. I refuse to believe it ... your brother said .... you will remain a true friend .... I will never forget u spy....God rest you in peace
hey hun, all ok? kiss
spell i hope u are ok ????
Spy..I hope you to be well and not be a true angel
Happy new year !!! kiss
Have a wonderful time with your loved ones and a prosperous 2015, regards Nescio.
My smoke buddy!!! Thank you for the great company!

The fun has just begun~
You rock my sweet frieeeend ! :widesmile

My super best friend!! The greatest man in here hehe. I adore to spend time with you my dear

Have a great weekend!
Wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2014, regards Nescio.