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Profile Headline: A Feral Child With A Good Vocabulary...NO NUDITY... 'Oh look a Butterfly!' Flit!
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About Me
Username: WW101WW
CamScore: 633
Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Weight: 115 pounds
Height: 157 centimeters
Age: 113
City: Fort Worth, TX
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Straight
Smoke: Light
Drink: Occasional
Drugs: Experimented
Marital Status: Involved
Occupation/Major: Truck Driver
School: Road Scholar
Favorite Food: Jalapenos
Pets: Turbo... half Chihuahua half Min Pin
Automobile: Truck 58... An old Mack with a classic CB 5000 Flowboy Low Rider
About Me: I grew up my mothers only child surrounded by a thousand acres of woods in East Texas. My mom was dying of cancer, so playing alone in the woods was my great solace and comfort. The wilderness seems a refuge to me a place to escape to rather than from. I would rather be lost in the woods than lost in a shopping mall any day.I've lived in Texas, Mississippi, Washington, Oklahoma, Alaska, California, and Germany. I've been down many roads and been to many places. This is not a nude room, dude.
Tags: happy, odd, intelligent conversation, unusual, psychology, occult, spiritual, weird, funny, Texas, esoteric, different, petite blonde, truck driver, astral projection, eternal
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Tuesday I'm Sometimes online from 8:00 pm until 12:00 am
Wednesday I'm Sometimes online from 8:00 pm until 12:00 am
Thursday I'm Sometimes online from 8:00 pm until 12:00 am
Friday I'm Sometimes online from 8:00 pm until 2:00 pm
Saturday I'm Sometimes online from 8:00 pm until 2:00 am
Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life: 'Death is just a big misunderstanding.'-Wendy 'There was never a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor any of these kings. Nor is there any future in which we shall cease to be. Just as the dweller in this body passes through childhood, youth and old age, so at death he merely passes into another kind of body. The wise are not deceived by that. Bodies are said to die, but That which possesses the body is eternal. It cannot be limited or destroyed. Worn out bodies are shed by the dweller, like garments. Not wounded by weapons, not burned by fire, not dried by the wind, not wetted by water, such is the Atman (the Soul). Not dried, not wetted, not burned, not wounded. Innermost element, Being of Being, changeless, eternal, forever and ever. From The Bhagavad Gita Hinduism
Five Things I Can't Live Without: With the last breath of life, simultaneously the Soul flows gracefully from the body, usually through the Third Eye. We then experience enormous freedom, accompanied by the knowledge that our journey upon Earth has been completed and that evaluation awaits after a period of rest. When we are ready, after arrival in Heaven, we go through a Life Review of the life just lived, from the last breath of life inclusive to the first breath we inhale. No one judges us. We evaluate ourselves and make the decision to go forward and onward or to return to Earth to continue our lessons. Our Teachers and Guides of this life are in attendance with us and we review every thought, word and action. Have we helped or hindered another person? Have we hurt another, with intent to cause pain? What has been our focus with regarding the correction of errors in past lifetimes that we scheduled for ourselves, prior to this life, when we were in Heaven? Have we succeeded with loved ones, family, friends, teachers, students? What needs to be attended to in the next life? As indicated, we evaluate ourselves. No one judges us.
Favorite Books: What are the Akashic Records? The Akashic Records are an energetic imprint of every thought, action, emotion, and experience that has ever occurred in time and space. The Akashic Records can also be understood as the imprint of all experiences of all lifetime in all realities. They are an etheric, holographic repository of information for human consciousness for the past, present and potentials for the future. The energy that makes up the Akashic Records is the energy of Love! The knowledge contained in the Akashic Records is imprinted upon a subtle substance called the Akasha, which describes the energy of Love that permeates and creates everything in the Universe. The Akasha is available everywhere, all the time. Everyone can access information from the Akashic Records at any time, and indeed we do! The flashes of intuition and knowing hunches that occur every day are glimpses into the divine wisdom contained in the Akashic Records. Every being in the Universe contributes to and accesses the Akashic Records. Because we are all created by and connected to the energy of Love, our divine birthright includes having access to the divine wisdom and knowledge contained in the Akashic Records. The Akashic Records contain all past, present, and future possibilities through the vibrations of compassion and joy. They are like the DNA of the universe. They contain a collection of everything that has occurred in the past, and they hold a complete set of information regarding possibilities for the future. Every individual soul has its own, unique Akashic Record. The souls of groups, events, organizations, and locations also have a unique Akashic Record. One way to understand the Akashic Records is to envision them as a book that contains the entire history of your soul, as well as every aspect of who you are now and all the potentials for your future. This metaphorical book is so vast that it could never exist physically. Instead, it is recorded energetically in the vibration of the Love that makes up everything in the Universe. The clear truth contained in the Akashic Records allows us the freedom to choose grace in all things. When we know the truth, we can release any illusions we have created that cause us to believe we are separate from God, Spirit, or Source. The Akashic Records are one of the most powerful tools available on the planet today, to help us remember our Oneness with every being in the Universe, and to find our personal and collective power to create the realities we desire. -
What I Like To Do For Fun: For the last three years I have been working in the road construction industry with arguably one of the best paving crews in the world. I've been hauling asphalt to paving operations in a Mack truck with a 48ft live bottom trailer. I have worked jobs at DFW Airport, Carlswell JRB, Dyess AFB, Texas Motor Speedway, and many areas in and northwest of the Metroplex. I am happy working my ass off as this gives me great physical strength and stamina for such a tiny person. It makes me very happy that I am able to competently and successfully work in a male dominated industry. I find myself physically stimulated by the act of driving those big trucks safely and efficiently. Its GREAT fun! I have also spent a considerable amount of time driving tanker trucks to service gas and oil wells to afford the luxury of working at night in isolated peaceful rural settings transfixed by the and looking continually for UFOs, ghosts, and other anomalies.
Favorite Songs: 'God brought forth all creation with Primal Sound. Each of us received a portion of the Primal Sound. The part we received is our true name. This is the Name that belongs to our Soul, not to any physical body that our Soul inhabits from life to life. As we continue to go forward in this twenty-first century, we will begin to listen to even greater music with ancient chords that resound within our Soul. The Souls being born now are extremely old and part of their purpose in life is to help all of us to awaken to our true identity. We will then see fantastic music take its rightful place as a viable, strong and important part of the entire healing process. This healing process will take place when we look at and approach the playing of musical instruments in a different way. Souls are now being born who are not only masterful musicians, but great healers reincarnated from Atlantis who are using the tonal qualities within music to realign our entire electrical system.' -Herzog 'Carry On Wayward Son' by Kansas Once I rose above the noise and confusion Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion I was soaring ever higher, but I flew too high Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man Though my mind could think I still was a mad man I hear the voices when I'm dreaming, I can hear them say Carry on my wayward son, There'll be peace when you are done Lay your weary head to rest Don't you cry no more Masquerading as a man with a reason My charade is the event of the season And if I claim to be a wise man, well, it surely means that I don't know On the stormy sea of moving emotion Tossed about, I'm like a ship on the ocean I set a course for winds of fortune, But I hear the voices say Carry on my wayward son There'll be peace when you are done Lay your weary head to rest Don't you cry no more Carry on, You will always remember Carry on, Nothing equals the splendor Now your life's no longer empty Surely heaven waits for you Carry on my wayward son There'll be peace when you are done Lay your weary head to rest Don't you cry, Don't you cry no more, No more!
Favorite Movies: The movies in my mind... I am sometimes antagonistic toward the television preferring to download and listen to broadcasts of Coast-to-coast AM. I have listened since Art Bell, am eternally fond of George Noorey, and enthralled by new host John B Wells who is in an undisclosed location somewhere in Dallas.
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done: Though I have many examples from which to choose... once I went to Hobby Lobby and bought a 1/32 model of a Pete 379. I spent a couple of months putting that together, watching the first season of Ice Road Truckers, and figuring out how to go to truck school. At International Driving School, being instructed by a very cool guy with a pointy red beard, me and 20 black guys learned to drive a big rig in downtown Fort Worth. When they gave me my CDL, they gave me a pack of Marlboros and told me I could say the F word whenever I wanted.
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now: 'I have found that, the higher we travel on the Higher Planes of consciousness, the lighter our garments become and finally, we shed our garments and are pure Spirit. As we look down upon our body, we find there is only a shining, vibrating energy that appears to be a milky white. It is quite beautiful to behold as well as to feel. -Herzog
Hobbies: These topics interest me: Alternative History & Conspiracies Alternative Medicine & Health Ancient World Creatures, Myths & Legends Current Events/Economy Extraterrestrial Miscellaneous Mysteries & Anomalies Nature, Environment & Earth Changes Prophecy & Predictions Psychology & Mind Science, Space & Technology Spirituality & Occult Supernatural & Paranormal UFOs & Aerial Phenomena Weird & Bizarre I think it is interesting when two simultaneously existing opposing extremes coalesce. In Atlantis.... Almost every household had at least one christa. This was their mode of transportation, functioning the same as our automobiles. The christas were anti-gravitational, exerting a negative electromagnetic force field around the vehicle. As our Earth maintains a negative charge, the christa was repelled magnetically from the ground. Controls within the christas maintained the craft within a 50' altitude from the ground. These vehicles had excellent maneuverability in all directions. The electromagnetic coil in the center was solar powered. Christas came in a variety of sizes to carry from one to hundreds of people. The technology came from inter stellar visions.' -Herzog
Talents: I can read tarot cards. I am somewhat psychic but a very sensitive Empath. Encouragement is my gift. I have the ability to talk candidly with anyone. You would be hard pressed to find a more suitable friend should you ever find yourself needing prayer. I can grease a tractor trailer top to bottom front to back. I can blow fire.
Perfect Mate: The one God has given me...He is very hard working, quiet, not much for words- he loves me and lets me be. He is the rebound that I will never let go of. He carries my burdens as if they were his own. I cannot deny my love and devotion to him. It is not so important that I've chosen him rather he was chosen for me. It is because of him that I can live in peace, prosperity, and protection.
Perfect Date: The predestined one. 'Each Soul that we make a Karmic contract with in the Heaven World fully expects to meet us at a specific juncture in Time and to work out, with honesty and integrity, what we need to receive and to give to each other. To both of us, this contract is equivalent to very specific and important series of lessons in the Earths schoolroom, without which the expected level of growth would not occur. If we did not meet, we both would be at risk in not being able to pursue a consistent forward movement with our Karma. These lessons form a benchmark upon which to build for future lessons needing to be learned.' - Herzog
Turn Ons/Offs: I really love to hunt rocks. My rock collection stirs within me that which women who love shoes must feel. I love rocks so much that I haul them around for a living. I take the rocks and sand to the asphalt plant. There, I get loaded with hot mix asphalt and drive it to a paving crew. I back up to the paving machine and unload as it pushes me along; and so we make a road! To work twelve hours a day is normal and a good week is seventy hours. I have strength in reserve and stamina to boot. I find this very empowering and hugely gratifying to me as a cute 5'2'2 115 lb woman working a man's job in a male dominated industry. I am literally physically stimulated by shifting gears. My favorite color is the Green Blue of diesel. Something magic happens when I crawl into that old Mack and do my job- people who see me are enthralled. I guess they love the irony. They like to watch me work. They always laugh and smile. This is my special privilege but ultimately it garners more admiration than income.
Best Reason to Get to Know Me: I'm a kindred spirit.
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Greeting cartoon blinking eyeballs in the darkness...I am eager to be your virtual tour guide. Having chosen to forego the standard tits and ass platform, I have a huge responsibility to do find some way to entertain us and my cleavage will only get us so far.
will you let me be the second one to welcome you?
wooooooooooooow what a gorgeous sexy young lady you are a warm welcome to mfc rated and admired have fun,XXXXXXXXXXXX

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