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About Me
Username: beegee27
Gender: Male
Body Type: Little in the middle
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Weight: 210 pounds
Height: 71 inches
Age: 30
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Straight
Smoke: Non Smoker
Drink: Occasional
Drugs: Never
Marital Status: Divorced
Occupation/Major: web design photography and general flirt :P
School: Masters Degree in Pervology
Favorite Food: depends on my mood
Automobile: Ford Escape
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Interests & Hobbies
Five Things I Can't Live Without: ok I admit's my computer, my computer, my computer my computer..but #1 is a certain lady
What I Like To Do For Fun: laugh at beggars!!!!
Favorite Songs: anything rock
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done: Skydiving...well long time ago!
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now: with a certain special lady
Talents: web designing and ummmm something else lol
Perfect Mate: one certain lady
Best Reason to Get to Know Me: I am a fun guy you will love knowing. I also run a site called LadiesOnline a free listing for all those sexy ladies that work online. Stop in and say hi. And if you are a lady that works online and want a web site then contact me at LadiesOnline Designs
Message Wall
photo 5945de67-240f-43ca-919f-967101308fd4_zps382ac7eb.jpg
valentines day photo: Happy Valentines Day valentines.gif
KIss you my dear
happy b-day Daddy....muahh
Christmas wishes tried and true Im sending now, just for you A little love, a little cheer, And wishes for a great New Year! Hope Santa brings you gifts galore With more surprises still in store. May all your Christmas dreams come true And may Gods blessings be yours too! xoxoxoxox Daddy....))))
Oh looky we are the same age , just stopped by to rate you 5 stars Sir
At Christmas Time At Xmas time when we were kids, we were bloody poor, and Santa weren't too generous when he knocked upon our door But we made do by saving up, yes every little bit 'We may be poor' said dear old Dad, 'but I dont give a shit!' Our Xmas tree stood tall & proud and rigid as a totem, With Xmas baubles hangin' there..... like testies in ya scrotum! Everyone loved Xmas dinner, no if's, and's or but's, and all us kids would piss ourselves when Grandpa dropped his guts. We'd leave a six pack for Santa and he always drank it quick, then I found out it was just me Dad, the alcoholic prick! But all in all we had fun, and lot & lots of cheer, Now I can't wait till I've got kids.... cause I'll get a carton of beer!

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olala!!! naughty
18 years old ?omg .. i dont like you anymore ,too young for me lolol thank you for the great time beeg kissssssss
thank you beautiful you are such a sweet lady
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