Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life:
you only live once make the most of what you can. you can always better yourself
Five Things I Can't Live Without:
my ipod, i love music...
the gym,
my job
my soft feather pillow
MY FAN!!!!!!
my little sister
Favorite Books:
this present darkness by Frank Peretti
What I Like To Do For Fun:
riding , swimming, drawing and dancing,
Favorite Songs:
white zombie more human than guman is my all time favorite!! Korn adidas
Favorite Movies:
rocky 4!!!!!!!!! all transformers and iron man
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done:
gone fourwheeling naked....Model on MFC!!!!!!
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now:
i would be in hawaii surfing..
Riding dirtbikes and quads is my favorite thing to do.the gym, someday i would like to do a fitnesss compittion..
i did ballet for ten years so im very flexible and can dance..
Perfect Mate:
tall, darker hair ,high cheeckbones, a man that can help me work on quads , can fix my car ,change oil that kinda of stuff..need a guys
Perfect Date:
a man would take me fourwheeling out away in the hills or the sand dunes and we would have sex everywhere!!
Turn Ons/Offs:
exitement, agression in the bedroom, lots of finger banging get me hot.. ,but quickies are
hot too. i love my abbs touched!! and my neck kissed, of course my hair pulled..slam me up agaisnt the wall and rip my clothes off.... but not to hard.i like it ruff!!
Best Reason to Get to Know Me: was homeschooled my whole life and kept away from most things grew up in a very strong christian home... interduce me to a new life of fun and living on the edge..

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