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Profile Headline: REDBEARD
Last Login: 7 years ago
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About Me
Username: redbeard001
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Weight: 215 pounds
Height: 72 inches
Age: 60
City: California
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Straight
Smoke: Light
Drink: Moderate
Marital Status: Single
Occupation/Major: Engineering
School: yep
Favorite Food: all of it
Pets: Iguana
Automobile: Jeep
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Interests & Hobbies
Favorite Books: love to read
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hElLo bEsT ThAnKs 4 eVeRyThInG AnD tHaNk yoU 4 AlWaYs mAkInG Me hApPy bEsT i Am GlAd cOs i hAvE a fRiEnDs lIkE yOu... I hOPE U dOnT chAnGe WhAt kiNd oF AtTiTuDe Do u hAvE...AlwAyS TaKe GoOd cArE uRsElF AnD Be GoOd Ok...I LOvE YoU bEsT...BiG KIsS AnD HuG fOr YoU...tHIs iS me LeMoNxXx Uf fRiEnD MoDeLgOd bLeSs...mUaHhHhHhHhH
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My appologies to Jim for pulling his post....I thought the girls all looked great...but not all of them did
happy valentines hunny..ty for being glad i met u..ty for and care sexxymel the sexiest and pretiest to ur eyes only..hehehe
Hey red, Figured I would come bye and just say it has been great getting to know you more over the last couple of months. Aways a great time when we meet in the models rooms.
happy new year steven muah
Christmas Myspace Comments
hellow steve tc always and take care mel too hehheh have a great day always ur a kind person to us to ur friends here in phil ur a happy person steve always smile ok hehheh ana.............
thank you for everything , sharo is right ,your so nice and i enjoy with our nosebleed conversation miss you bbwish your happiness
hi steve..ty for always there for me..ur so sweet....muahhhh..kis kis kis
kissssssssss......muahhhh...hugz.........heheehe ty sweet....

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