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About Me
Username: yorteddybear
Gender: Male
Body Type: Average
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Weight: 170 pounds
City: Canada/Ukraine
Sexual Preference: Straight
Smoke: Occasional
Drink: Light
Drugs: Never
Occupation/Major: work in lagistics
Favorite Food: steak, borshch
Pets: none
Automobile: hummer h2
About Me: I am Pro Ukrainian and against all putinist activities putinism is terrorism. All people should stand up against the criminal russians. A putinist is a terrorist Putinism is terrorism. Stop the russian murder of woman and children in Ukraine
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Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life: being free and independent from Russian maggots
Favorite Books: anything by clive cussler or jack higgins
What I Like To Do For Fun: travel in a communist free ukraine With no putinism
Favorite Songs: 70's and 80's music
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now: in Ukraine looking through a laser spotter as a smart bomb Russian positions. Long live a communist-free Ukraine SLAVA UKRAINE
Hobbies: photography travel cooking when i find the time
Perfect Date: one that ends were both are happy with the time together
Turn Ons/Offs: beautiful eyes and smile
Best Reason to Get to Know Me: i am honest and speak my mind like all pro Ukrainians should
Message Wall
SOME WISE WORDs on a porn site for Ukrainian models. Krc415: Or gathering the items that will be worth something no matter what government is in control or not and if the money is worthless paper or not SierraLaPetit: SO MY SALARY NOW DEPENDS ONLY ON U Krc415: Thats not the way to look at it. You need to put yourself in the mindset and ability to need nobody to depend on for anything SierraLaPetit: WHO CAN HELP ME AND SUPPORT ME PLS SEND MONEY SierraLaPetit: HOW U CAN Krc415: Youre in a war zone. You can rely on nobody except yourself. Krc415: If you haven't already you need to get your ass up and get together 3 days food ,fresh water and warm clothes , boots at the bare minimum Krc415: A good knife matches / lighter. Flashlight & batteries. Put it all in a bag by the front door. To grab if you have to leave quickly take a phone charging device AND know how to swap phone networks on your phone ... place a few plastic bags in to back pack to place over feet it helps make shoes waterproof if your walking distances .. if your windows at home NOT yet covered in sticky tape place adhesive tape on glass to prevent it shattering in to many peaces , a blast from Putins bombs can also remove air from house and it can fill with dust so face mask / eye protection AT ALL TIMES + list your medication and blood group / have some extra medication for a situation when you might need to leave your city for shelter else where or another country ( such as a first aid kit with knife & bandages & cable ties . i have been posting this on a lot of profiles some reply's say advice is not needed but some support (if by support they think a tip in mfc is going to help when mfc takes over 40% whats that going to benefit ? ) helpful advice like preventing glass breaking will prevent the possibility gas/ chemicals entering a bombed property. NO AMOUNT OF PRAY will fix this mad mans quest..Praying N tokens cant fix a dead persons life PROPER ADVICE from Krc415 MIGHT ESPECIALLY about protection flying glass shards COVER window wi
Vy vse ebanutie
Putin ne nuhay
slava Ukraini!
very nice guy))
Putin hu*lo... lalalalalalalala

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