Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life:
A incrivel arte de evoluir! / The incredible art of evolving!
Five Things I Can't Live Without:
Chocolate, Minha casa, Dinheiro, trabalho e amigos / Chocolate, My home, Money, work and friends
Favorite Books:
O poder do Agora,A sultil arte de ligar o Foda-se, + esperot que o diabo, Pense e Enriquea, A cabana, O magico, Extraordinarias, assim que acaba, Herry Potter, A garota do lago / The Power of Now, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck, + I Hope the Devil, Think and Grow Rich, The Shack, The Magician, Extraordinary, Once It's Over, Herry Potter, The Girl by the Lake.
What I Like To Do For Fun:
Ler, sair para bares com musica ao vivo / Read, go out to bars with live music
Favorite Songs:
The kids Aren't alright, Kryptonite, Seven nation army, Paranoid, Sweet dreams, Smels like teen spirit, Like a Stone, November rain.
Favorite Movies:
Como eu era antes de voce, Herry Potter, Americam Pie, Toddo mundo em panico, As branquelas, O grito / How I Was Before You, Harry Potter, American Pie, Everybody in a Panic, The White Girls, The Scream.
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now:
Praia / Beach
Dana, Leitura, Artesanatos e Cervejas / Dancing, Reading, Crafts and Beers
The Power of Now, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck, + I Hope the Devil, Think and Grow Rich, The Shack, The Magician, Extraordinary, Once It's Over, Herry Potter, The Girl by the Lake.
Perfect Mate:
Educado, divertido, que ame viajar / Educated, fun, who loves traveling.
Perfect Date:
cafeteria com musica classica ao fundo e uma bela fatia de bolo de Pistache, cafe e risadas / caf with classical music in the background and a beautiful slice of Pistachio cake, coffee and laughter
Best Reason to Get to Know Me:
Ter sempre alguem de bem com a vida disposta a sonhar e a dividir sonhos! / Always have someone good in life willing to dream and share dreams!