Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life:
Do on to others as you would have them do undo you.
Giving is better than receiving.
Live for today
Five Things I Can't Live Without:
Friends,Family,Faith, My dog noel, and Food.
Favorite Books:
Unix Handbook
Tom Clancy
The Coccos Nest
Call of the Wild
What I Like To Do For Fun:
Party, guitar hero,
Hanging out with my friends, my nephews and nieces.
My hobbies.
Favorite Songs:
Rock n roll mainly old, classic, new
and all music.
Some rap, and country in moderation
Favorite Movies:
Grandmas boy, dane cook, All with Will Farrell,Sean connery, Tom Hanks, Goldie hawn, Robin William god bless his soul !!! I miss you...
The Hangover, Scott Pilgram vs the World, Hot tub time machine, weird science, Beerfest.
The Hunt for Redoktober, Dr Zhivago,
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done:
Swam home naked.
I tend to crazy stuff when I am fucked up.

If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now:
Australia,Port Douglas Queenstown NZ
jetsking,biking,canoeing,kyacking,hiking& travel
Perfect Mate:
Nobody is perfect

Perfect Date:
Making someones day better !
Turn Ons/Offs:
Ons: Humor, Romance, Kindness, Truthfulness, Smiles, Caring, Sensuality,
Offs: Liver, rubarb, nasty things, rude and inconsiderate people, extreme pain,blood,liers & frowns.
Best Reason to Get to Know Me:
Im nice,fun most the time, respectful, giving and caring,a true gentleman.