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Profile Headline: Mila is my favorite :3
Last Login: 1 month ago
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About Me
Username: SirPup
Gender: Male
Body Type: Average
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Age: 33
City: O'Fallon
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Straight
Smoke: Non Smoker
Drink: Non Drinker
Drugs: Never
Occupation/Major: General Motors - Assembly Line
School: Mizzou
Favorite Food: Papa Johns Pizza
Pets: 2 Ferrets
Automobile: '14 Chevy Impala
About Me: Umm.. just talk to me and ask. I love meeting new people! :)
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Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life: I don't think there's just one big meaning for everyone. Each of us has our purpose in this world. Mine, I believe, is to bring cheer and happiness; laughs and smiles, to all of those around me with my goofy personality. And I'm loving every second of it. :)
Five Things I Can't Live Without: Computer, Video Games, God, Music, Girls (I'm not a pervert, it's just true lol)
Favorite Books: Eragon Series, Maze Runner series, Cirque Du Freak, series, etc. What can I say, I'm a fantasy nerd! lol
What I Like To Do For Fun: See Interests....
Favorite Songs: Umm... stuff that no one else likes... lol. Metalcore, hard rock, stuff with screaming lol. It's not all I listen to but, makes up most of the list. If you want some samples look up: Smokahontas by Attack Attack Paper Planes by Sleepwave Hollow Bodies by Blessthefall Johnny Ringo by Crown the Empire All Hype All Night by Capture the Crown and many more. if by chance you like any of those, I have plenty more. (over 2000 songs on itunes and unlimited starred songs on Spotify. :D
Favorite Movies: I'll literally watch anything, but if I had to pick a current favorite, it's probably Guardians of the Galaxy.
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done: Fractured my leg going down a hill in a stolen shopping cart lol. So we took this cart from a local supermarket called Target (most of you probably have heard of it) and decided it would be fun to ride it down this HUGE sledding hill near a hospital. Well, on my turn, I decided it would be smart to stand up and act like I was "surfing" in the baby seat part of the cart. Right as I got up though, both of the front wheels on the cart turned inward and then the cart tipped forward, launching me like a catapult shot lol. After I got done flying through the air and being run over by the cart after the fall, I ended up with a hairline fracture in my right shin and plenty of cuts and bruises lol. Good times. :D
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now: I would be with the girl who I'm meant to be with in this life (wherever she may be) and we'd be cuddled up on the couch watching some sappy movie that she picked out, running her fingers through my hair while I fall asleep after my long day at work. Sounds wonderful. :)
Hobbies: First and foremost (no I don't care if it's a turn off) I'm a gamer. I love anything fantasy. I prefer RPG's; currently playing: Neverwinter, Rift, Black Gold Online and Archeage and willing to try anything if I'm playing with someone. I also love to sing (I'm not too bad at it, if you're lucky you might hear it sometime. ONLY if you're lucky though) I also beatbox pretty well. I love to hang out with friends, doesn't matter what we're doing we always end up laughing till our abs hurt and have an awesome time!
Talents: My main talent is honestly my ability to find out what makes people laugh and exploit it. I love making people smile/laugh so It's pretty great. I guess it's my lil super power haha. I can also sing and beatbox as mentioned above. :D
Perfect Mate: Someone who takes the time to know me. Someone who loves me for me. Someone with a beautiful smile (cause I'm gonna be bringing it out CONSTANTLY)... That sounded dirty lol, but I'm gonna leave it anyway. I just wanna feel like they are proud to call me theirs. :)
Perfect Date: An amazing night that ends with me going to bed with a smile on my face, hope in my mind and happiness in my heart.
Turn Ons/Offs: Get to know me, find out for yourself. ;)
Best Reason to Get to Know Me: I'm a goofy, charming young gentleman. If you get past the shy exterior, I guarantee you'll love me. :D
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i miss u y
Hey puppylove... er! hope you had a fabulous day!! XOXOX

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