LOVE THEM WITH THE TRUTH or you haven't really LOVED...
[said anything] to them at all [really]!!
let them LOVE you
for who you REALLY are
or they can't REALLY LOVE [you] at all!! . ~light TRUTH [is] the Food that teaches TRUE LOVE [[how]] to g-r-o-w,
S_W_E_E_T_E_R than H_O_N_E_Y!
Wake up...
[lies] with LOVE... no matter who you are =
Peace Love Truth & Light ..))) Speak WORDS OF TRUTH to one another or you've spoken NOT at all...
NO ONE NEEDS A LIE Not even You. A lie
TRUTH ...IS BOSS..because its the only thing that's REAL.
Once humanity can LOVE their strange neighbor AS MUCH as, OR MORE THAN themselves, and TRULY understand and feel this UNITY WITH OTHERS, that a New Paradigm will be realized on our planet. A Paradigm of LOVE AND UNIVERSAL UNDERSTANDING
is ultimately whats in store for each and every person. We create what we experience. Soon, we will be creating our picture having learned that our paint is LOVE and our Canvas is OURSELVES. True Story, Brother ~Light.
POWER, WISDOM and LOVE, the three-fold flame, is your sacred link with the creator. True power cannot shine forth without wisdoms guidance and neither can take form without the intent OF LOVE. fromtheeLight, a brother~in~Light,
i'am not afraid to say, yes i still have [short moment's] of darkness [i'am constantly working on that / it maybe a simple thought less than or don't = Love that comes to me and slips out & i have to remind mySELF in a loving way that i'am better than that & forgive myself right away]. My Goal is to simply [be Love] & spread LOVE LIGHT & TRUTH into the world. So, if i error & fall short of the mark, please forgive me. Like you, i'am [a bunch of memory]& can't help that & that's ok!!
yes (())I'am that i was(()) ))i'am.. that i'am))i'am that i will better than anyone, no less than anyone))) (((i'AM .. just )))ME(((
(((i'AM .. just )))ME(((
The concept of Unconditional Love is just this that all things have purpose. ALL things. Nothing can be seen as negative under this light.
The bigger picture is that Darkness and Light are one and the same thing.EACH AVENUE SERVES TO CREATE AWARENESS AND UNDERSTANDING utilizing different energies and outcomes, but all these different paths tend to lead to the same place eventually
. Duality has served its perfect purpose and most certainly has been a necessary part of our complete evolution. This is the complete Evolution of our Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual bodies, which of course, happens simultaneously.
How would we know our light if we do not understand the depth of our darkness?
We must experience both to fully comprehend who and what we are. If we did not descend into a physical experience, and remained immortal spirit beings.we would never know what we were exactly we have to experience being mortal physical beings to find out for sure.
Don't Hide from the TRUTH find out what it REALLY [is]
[because] it [is] our BEST FRIEND, Brother ~Light
and Understanding Our Core Essence.DEEP DOWN WE ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL BEINGS WORTHY OF LOVE AND SUPPORT. brother ~light.
Truthful Knowing ... When you raise your consciousness and find your bliss in truthful knowing, when you find your discernment and KNOW THAT YOU KNOW, you then do not need any authority to tell you how to eat healthy, how to turn your mate on... or how to raise your child to be productive. There are many things you do not need to be told when you magnify the spot of LIGHT INSIDE YOUR HEART to reflect your higher knowing. IT IS LOVE, IT HAS ONLY EVER BEEN LOVE and IN LOVE IS TRUTH [everything else is a LIE]... Find this in yourself before you give it to others. How can you LOVE another IF YOU HAVE NOT YET FOUND IT WITHIN, where it connects to source.
Remember that you are a magnificent, immortal spirit being you have a direct connection to the Divine and need no church or in-betweens to commune with it. Ask and you will receive answers to any and all questionsLOOK for answers EVERYWHERE as they will come. On the radio, through an experience with a friend or a chance happening. There are no coincidences.only misunderstood symbols to your understanding of greater concepts.
What does it take to be a Master?
The truth is that we already are. A few thoughts from Dr. Meg.
WAKE UP A Master has accepted him or herself as who and what they are.
A Master has humbly accepted his or her assignments within their journey with no strings attached, no what ifs and no looking back to the past.
A Master embodies the Living Truth with no drama, no trauma, in every moment that they are.
A Master embodies personal integrity. This doesn't mean how honest we are in the world, but how honest we are with ourselves. Self deception is one of the greatest causes of fear. We can tell if we are in personal integrity if how we feel on the inside matches what we experience on the outside.
A Master not only has learned to give, but to receive, having given him or herself value of equal measure across the board.
A Master embodies love instead of practicing it as an ideal or an idea.
A Master is able to find compassion for everyone including him or herself.
A Master is everything that a Master teaches and is always aware that there is more to learn.
A Master knows no comparison of experience. Each is on a perfect path to what his or her soul seeks.
A Master embraces all that he or she is faced with without fear, instead, with a full heart and of his or her wholeness.
A Master sleeps well at night, knowing that he or she has done their very best in any given situation throughout the day and that's all her or she could have done.
A Master Knows there are no mistakes, only opportunities to change direction or to learn something, and then rather than beating him or herself up for it, can laugh at the humanity of it and go on to the next thing without dragging what was behind them.
A Master looks to no one for approval, but is open to everyone to share what he or she has and accepting to new avenues of thought and the wisdom others have gained. After all, we all have a piece of the puzzle.
A Master basks not in ego, but in humility and wonder at the scope of the infinite.
A Master never feels as if he or she has learned it all because that is impossible except as a body of Light when we are encompassed within the light of the source.
A Master carries that Light everywhere he or she goes without judgment or attachment to outcome, after all, once it is shared, it will grow according to the choices others make.
A Master goes with the flow, allowing him or herself to regenerate, honoring that which he or she needs to be at their peak potential, for if one is truly within the flow, one gets as much as one gives.
A Master needs no words such as these to convey the simplicity of the apparent complexity of what is. It just IS.
Don't Hide from the TRUTH find out what it REALLY [is] [because] it [is] our BEST FRIEND, Brother ~Light This profile isn't about ME ..its ABOUT ALL of US WORLD WIDE.If the information on this profile LOVE, TRUTH & LIGHT= [knowledge] = Understanding = FORGIVENESS.Constant SELF/forgiveness as well CONSTANT FORGIVENESS of others. Work's for me IT WILL WORK FOR YOU AS WELL ..I give my personal thanks to LOVELY MFC Model LOVESQUIRT4U and member UrSoSexy, they are the ones that talk me into having and making a profile. They knew i would enjoy one & they were right.
ABOUT ME, well first let me say from the HEART I'AM NO BETTER THAN [ ANY HUMAN BEING ] we ARE ALL AWESOME WORLD WIDE, i'am just ME. is few words from some of the LOVELY LOVELY ~Models on MFC shared..[i will say i'am sure there is just as many or more that have other opinions about me] but i'am doing the best i can for now. Posted by mikelpn: 2010-09-25
just wanted to stop by and say thank you for your posts on the news feeds, its always uplifting and helps to know that there are people such as yourself here to help our moral because sometimes that is needed you are awesome hun thank you. Posted by Christineee: 2011-11-17
Congrats for your beautiful profile! I really enjoyed all the pictures, videos and sayings! Loved it! Kisses. Posted by AlesyaBrunete: 2011-11-01 21 hey..glad to have friend like u..u are verry kind ...kiss u my love. Posted by SKYLA: 2010-03-28
Thank you for all the love. ..Posted by XAshleyCumnX: 2011-08-30 hey from the light just stopin by to say hey, n thanks for all the love much love xashleycumnx. Posted by EmmyLove: 2010-06-25
i might not have the fancy pics but i got all the love in the world,u always ~Light it up and there will never be enough blinky hearts. Posted by Bamby23: 2010-02-02 Very nice profile and very good songs! Dont change anything at u! Stay great and Take care !!:u are the Best! Posted by Christineee: 2011-11-17
Congrats for your beautiful profile! I really enjoyed all the pictures, videos and sayings! Loved it! Kisses. Posted by Spicydawn: 2010-02-05 u are a gr8 men! love u!!........Posted by Amarilla: 2010-02-04
ur the best friend of mine kisses from amarilla ...Posted by KittieKate: 2010-04-09 ty bb 4 being with me!!!!ur my best friend****Posted by BunnyDeeDee: 2011-04-28 Hey my dearst friend. I just wanted to say HI and to let you know that I'll be missing you next days when i'll won't be able to be online.Big hug Take care. Mwahhh.Posted by SweetHoneyBB: January 26, 2012
CONTINUED on post pages ..
don't listen to ME, LISTEN to YOUR HEART<3.. Brother ~light!! i dont know the MEANING of ~Life but i KNOW TRUTH
LOVE IS [TRUTH],truth [is] REAL,
if its not TRUTH its NOT LOVE! its [POISON] hello! IS THERE A MEANING? what means EVERYTHING to me right [NOW], may mean nothing to you.
LOVE mySELF With that, LOVE everyone else!
Whats my constant goal? to Love those i don't even LIKE. i don't have to like someone to LOVE them!
To spend my days Loving and understanding.
To spend my moments in CONSTANT SELF forgiveness and CONSTANT forgiveness of ALL others
[EVERY TIME WHEN NEEDED]. This is so IMPORTANT for SELF LOVE & peace of mind!
[its the hardest thing BUT THE RIGHT THING. I can NOT TRULY forgive mySELF for NOT forgiving someone else. To spend my days in constant action .. of PERFECTING mySELF [not everyone else.]To NEVER poison MySELF or ANYone with a LIE!
Zeitgeist: The Movie - 2007 by Peter Joseph from on Vimeo I spent all my life Searching for TRUTH,
what i found was so much more than that. Not only did i find ALL the answers to the Questions i had. But after it all, Through ALL the trails of misery & Joy i put myself through. What i found WAS in search of it, THAT THE TRUTH had BECOME MY BEST FRIEND, what i found [IS], TRUTH is not just some 'WORDS. It is 'ALIVE', its [REAL] and Now lives [IN] ME and walks [with] me. By fromthee~Light, those that walk with me walk with the ~lightI'AM that i was
I'AM that I'AM I'AM that i will be/i'am in the ~LightI'am AWAKE
TRUTH [is] OUR BEST FRIEND!! It set me FREE to have a mind of MY OWN and use it with my HEART and SOUL to (((shine))) LOVE LOVE LOVE learning that life IS A RIDE... ..ride it. MY GOAL IS TO LOVE as much as [i] can ALONG THE WAY >>Your ALL AWESOME WORLD WIDE... im no better than /no less than Any human being im just [me].
don't LET anyONE tell YOU..otherWISE...
STOP THE NEW WORLD ORDERwhat i have found to be the MOST Valuable two things to Share with someone is #1) TRUTH #2) LOVE
KEEP IT {REAL} if ya wanna HEAL
A perfect [YOU] becomeing MORE p-e-r-f-e-c-ted/ ed = [education] EVERY moment. [[Experience]] becomes memory/ accumulated Memory/becomes KNOWLEDGE, Knowledge -becomes UNDERSTANDING/understanding becomes/ Perception/ perception perceiving/ perceiving become believing/ believing/faith/hope/ LOVE =
LOVELOVE....AWESOME YOU like &[LOVE] /yourSELF/ [FIRST] is [key] with that LOVE, love EVERYone else
that guy in the MIRROR has been wiping my ASS for 30+ years & NEVER bitched about it once
he better be my BEST FRIEND.wink!
SPIRITUALITY is a frame of Mind =Experience= [knowledge]=
so your lovely SOUL can GROW. if you bring forth what is within you,
what you bring forth will save you. if you do not bring forth what is within you,
what you do not bring forth will destroy you. [dead sea scrolls].
and EVERYone else Brothers and sisters world wide you ARE ALL AWESOME world wide.. [TRUTH] !! i'am very spiritual
i don't believe in religion,
i believe religion IS A WAY OF LIFE,
for those that believe in [that] religion.
i believe [MOST] religions were
[CREATED] TO CONTROL the masses,
i believe in some parts of most ALL religion. ......................................
I believe God [source] is PURE LOVE
I believe in LOVE
I believe in [TRUTH] ...............................
i BELIEVE in a creator & i believe each persons
Remember that you are a magnificent, immortal spirit being
with out religion, YOU HAVE A DIRECT CONNECTION TO THE DEVINE and need no church or in-betweens to commune with it. Ask and you will receive answers to any and all questions LOOK for ANSWERS EVERYWHERE as they will come. On the radio, through an experience with a friend or a chance happening. There are no coincidences.only misunderstood
symbols to your understanding of
greater concepts.
i don't believe in death. I believe it's like getting out of one car and getting into another!! I believe in sharing [TRUTH] LOVE, & LIGHT with ALL PEOPLE!! LOVE IS THE WAY
WITH THAT LOVE that i GENERATE [within], i can [then].. SHARE it
with EVERYONE else..
You know what, I have realized ... ... that THE CREATURE OF LOVE I have been s-e-a-r-c-h-i-n-g for all those years [is] ME. This creature that understands
me completely, HAS THE ANSWERS to all of my questions.. ITS A KIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT where the veil vanishes and YOU FINALLY GET TO THAT OLD FRIEND you [have] been looking for after walking through the mountains & valleys :YOUR OLD SELF standing in front of you. What a shock it was to SEE my old self behind the curtain.. ]]]IN THE MIRROR[[[ [waiting] for [me]..
.Once I realised that. I merged with my Self...[that guy in the mirror] HAS BECOME my []best[] friend[] and the original loneliness I have been carrying
for eternity was LEFT BEHIND and surely d-i-s-a-p-p-e-a-r-e-d.
I don't always agree with what he dose
or might say, but i know he's working every moment on becoming better person everyday.
Just as a [lack] of SELF-LOVE has a v-i-b-r-a-t-i-o-n, so does UNCONDITIONAL [SELF - LOVE]. It has a quiet, s-t-e-a-d-y....... [r-a-d-i-a-n-c-e] which draws [others] to its ~Light.
Dearest brothers and sisters, around the WORLD ,
learning all the things that were important to us at any given moment and loving and nurturing each other along the way.
Life is too short to be learning a broad range of things that are of no interest to you, when you could be learning every little detail about that which makes your heart sing!! We are all individuals with something of great beauty and importance to share with the world.
We need a loving, rich space to remember the seed we planted well before our birth. For it holds the blueprint of the way we need to grow. We need to take time to tune in and connect to our own source of Light, so that our paths remain illuminated in all their glory and the pureness of our authenticity may shine out and be an inspiration to others. We need to show Love and Acceptance always. We need to Trust.
Nothing can grow in the shadow of someone else's fear.
Your A ~light.
it's IN YOUR HEART! ~Love
There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. [We need to learn to love ourselves .. [first,] in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life. ~Brother
'John Lennon'.
An optimist may see a ~Light where there is none, but why must the pessimist always run to blow it out?
Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue. The difficulties you meet will resolve themselves as you advance. Proceed, and [THE]light will dawn, and ((shine)) with increasing clearness on your path.
At times our own light goes out but is blown into flame and is rekindled by a spark from another human being. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have taken the time to have lighted the flame within us again. ((shine)) Angel ~Light
I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people call God is SOMETHING [IN] ALL OF US. I believe that what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said was right. It's just that the translations [have] ..gone wrong.
John Lennon.
The NEW Light...
is Dawning, Brother~Light. WELCOME TO 2012=
~LOVE.~TRUTH ITS TIME TO AWAKEN FROM YOUR DEEP SLEEP [and denial] BROTHERS AND SISTERS WORLD WIDE TRUTH and KNOWLEDGE [IS] OUR BEST FRIEND!! If the Infinite had not desired man to become wise, He would not have bestowed upon him the faculty of knowing. If He had not intended man to become virtuous, He would not have sown within the human heart the seeds of virtue. If He had predestined man him with perceptions and sensibilities capable of grasping, in part at least, the immensity of the outer universe. The criers of philosophy call all men to a comradeship of the spirit: to a fraternity of thought: to a convocation of Selves. Philosophy invites man out of the vainness of selfishness; out of the sorrow of ignorance and the despair of worldliness; out of the travesty of ambition and the cruel clutches of greed; out of the red hell of hate and the cold tomb of dead idealism.
~LOVE is the Way ~TRUTH is the Answer
YOUR ALL AWESOME WORLD WIDE .. ..don't let ANYone tell YOU ..otherWISE
Favorite Books:
What I Like To Do For Fun:
Favorite Songs:
Id rather let my spirit fly free, than be caged by religion. Become a Buddha not a Buddhist; become a Christ not a Christian. One implies an awakened state of consciousness, the other a dogmatic approach to life.God is too big for one religion. Love & quantum physics are my religion. At one level, all religious traditions have the same aimto transform the individual into a positive being. I love Jesus, I love Shiva, I love Krishna, I love Buddha. All rivers lead to the same ocean. I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people call God is something in all of us.
Was not BELIEVE the TRUTH!
Was not Speak the TRUTH
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now:
...RIGHT [N-O-W].
A-W-E-S-O-M- [Eternity]
Perfect Mate:
Perfect Date:
[NOW] this very m-o-m-e-n-t.
Turn Ons/Offs:
TURN [off]... [LIES]..
Best Reason to Get to Know Me:
Life's tide has a destination as we push the river we disallow our very worth from glowing. River by my home~Light
The river has destination do not push the river but let it flow. Through the rough, white water
and over the rapids to the gentle, cool resting waters.
By fromthee~Light
We are a rain drop in the river going to the sea. We are separately ,together sharing the ride.
If,as we now know our thoughts and on going thinking manifests into the physical, then so shall we cultivate our thinking and think only of what we want and never of what we do not want .
The emotional thought is sent off like a rocket to become... so enjoy, joy.
Be giving and allow the good feelings to become your roots for glowing and as experiences become enjoyable you may expect more of what you think of. So choose your thoughts and wrap them in emotions of greatness and worth.
The harsh lessons come upon us because we often escape the lesser forms of divine direction set to guide us upward to joy.
If we listen to society and live in societies consciousness than we would believe all that the media and news articles say about life and how to live it.
When you raise your consciousness and find your bliss in truthful knowing, when you find your discernment and know that you know, you then do not need any authority to tell you how to eat healthy, how to turn your mate on... or how to raise your child to be productive.
There are many things you do not need to be told when you magnify the spot of light inside your heart to reflect your higher knowing. It is love, it has only ever been love and in love is truth... Find this in yourself before you give it to others. How can you love another if you have yet not found it within, where it connects to source.
Society has led our young to a place of artificial love, artificial food, artificial feelings and an unjustified self glorification. This disenables the heart to know truth so they take others truth in to be their own. They adopt what they do not take the time to find within themselves.
Our Deepest Fear
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of [the creator] [LOVE SOURCE] God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
Theres nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people wont feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God [SOURCE] that is [[within us.]]
Its not just in some of us; its in [[EVERYONE]]
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
Light of Friendship By, fromtheeLight
I've seen the light
And it's in you,
In everything you are
And in everything you do.
It's a perfect light
That shines for all to see.
It radiates from you
And has pierced the heart of me.
Because I know The light is from a true friend. One that feels no need to deceive me or thee.
It's [that] kind of friendship light that helps keeps me warm & helps me see.
It lets me know how valued I am,
it keeps me awesome company safe from harm,
others that still lie
and don't k-n-o-w how yet to give a darn.
To you my friend I am thankful,
In each and every way.
For you lift my spirits up,
that nurture my SOUL With every passing day
i'am so grateful for every time that we get a chance to meet and share LOVE
along our journeys way.
To know that you are there for me
It makes me feel alive
Because, it is your friendship's type of light
Upon which my beings love dose thrive!!
Thank you isn't good enough
But they're the only words I know.
It is your light of friendship from above [higher knowing]
and mine
that when we meet gives my heart & inner world
that awesome glow of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
Thank you, for simply being y-o-u. ~fromthee~light.
The power of love is held within each of us every moment. This wondrous energy is available merely by our use and conscious recognition. When we choose to love one another we transcend the lower personality perceptions and rise to a higher truth. We recognize our oneness, wholeness and interconnectedness. This is not a conditional love or the type of love one may try to use to earn favors or expect validation, rather this is a universal and unconditional love that recognizes the beauty in life every moment. It is of a higher nature. It is a natural expression that does not expect an outcome. It is giving just for the sake of giving. It is in the sharing and giving of love to others that we receive the same that we give. Give love and surely you will experience love itself. Express love to the world around you and the world will reflect back to you the power of love. Each of us desires to understand and realize this experience of love. Just listen to the lyrics of music and you will quickly see how much the notion of love plays a part in our personal journey of life. We seek it in our families, relationships, careers, religions, hobbies, and even at times we look to nature itself. All the while, it is right within us ready to be given out and experienced. Love is such a powerful force especially when shared.
Dearest brothers and sisters, around the WORLD ,
learning all the things that were important to us at any given moment and loving and nurturing each other along the way.
Life is too short to be learning a broad range of things that are of no interest to you, when you could be learning every little detail about that which makes your heart sing!! We are all individuals with something of great beauty and importance to share with the world.
We need a loving, rich space to remember the seed we planted well before our birth. For it holds the blueprint of the way we need to grow. We need to take time to tune in and connect to our own source of Light, so that our paths remain illuminated in all their glory and the pureness of our authenticity may shine out and be an inspiration to others.
We need to show Love and Acceptance always. We need to Trust.
Nothing can grow in the shadow of someone else's fear.
Your A ~light.
~Love .
There are two basic motivating forcesfear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life. - John Lennon
roseheart "Simply stated, unconditional love is an unlimited way of being. We are without any limit to our thoughts and feelings in life and can create any reality we choose to focus our attention upon. There are infinite imaginative possibilities when we allow the freedom to go beyond our perceived limits. If we can dream it, we can build it. Life, through unconditional love, is a wondrous adventure that excites the very core of our being... :ftlb ... and lights our path with delight." roseheart
There cannot be a sense of abundance or the experience of prosperity without appreciation. You cannot find beauty unless you appreciate beauty. You cannot find friendship unless you appreciate others. You cannot find love unless you appreciate loving and being loved. If you wish abundance, appreciate life.
In life, people tend to wait for good things to come to them. And by waiting, they miss out. Usually, what you wish for doesn't fall in your lap; it falls somewhere nearby, and you have to recognize it, stand up, and put in the time and work it takes to get to it. This isn't because the universe is cruel. It's because the universe is smart. It has its own cat-string theory and knows we don't appreciate things that fall into our laps.
I will greet this day with love in my heart. And how will I do this? Henceforth will I look on all things with love and be born again. I will love the sun for it warms my bones; yet I will love the rain for it cleanses my spirit. I will love the light for it shows me the way; yet I will love the darkness for it shows me the stars. I will welcome happiness as it enlarges my heart; yet I will endure sadness for it opens my soul. I will acknowledge rewards for they are my due; yet I will welcome obstacles for they are my challenge.
Count your blessings. Once you realize how valuable you are and how much you have going for you, the smiles will return, the sun will break out, the music will play, and you will finally be able to move forward the life that God intended for you with grace, strength, courage, and confidence.
Realize that true happiness lies within you. Waste no time and effort searching for peace and contentment and joy in the world outside. Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving. Reach out. Share. Smile. Hug. Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.
God is NOT church...God is NOT a religion ..God is so MUCH bigger than can be GIVIN ... God is so MUCH BIGGER THAN CAN BE WRITTEN [no] [[WORDS]] can [hold] .... him/her/it/+... GOD [IS] TRUTH ...TRUTH [is] LOVE [is] LIGHT so we can SEE all THE BEAUTY along the WAY that's right....THE TRUE LIGHT [IS] WAY TOO BRIGHT for our little minds to hold ALL AT ONCE day or night...GOD is so much bigger than a LITTLE story book ....soTRUE LOVE [is]way TOO DEEP for our LITTLE minds to FULLY understand. But after years of giving my life away to find the missing meaning ...i found the TRUTH ....and found in that to BE [[[EVERYTHING]]]. fromtheeLight
An optimist may see a ~Light where there is none, but why must the pessimist always run to blow it out?
Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue. The difficulties you meet will resolve themselves as you advance. Proceed, and light will dawn, and ((shine)) with increasing clearness on your path.
At times our own light goes out but is blown into flame and is rekindled by a spark from another human being. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have taken the time to have lighted the flame within us again. ((shine)) Angel ~Light
To awaken and develop spiritual perception we must first reconstruct our thoughts and feelings. If we choose to focus our attention on the denial of light we become victims. If we choose to focus our attention on the acceptance of light we become that light. The reality you live in is nothing more than where your attention lies. The purpose of each soul is to dismantle the negative emotional tendencies acquired through previous acts, words and deeds. To be the emissary of light that you originally chose to be it is important to awaken light within your self. One way to do this is to let go of the security of your insecurity. This process opens up a world of possibilities. When you do not perceive yourself as a victim you are choosing to acknowledge your personal integrity and life begins to blossom in a balanced way.
One way to do this is to let go of the security of your insecurity. the gift of sharing my personal integrity with you
helps me grow more enlightened .
Lightworkers carry within them the ability to attain spiritual awakening faster than other people. They carry inner seeds for a rapid spiritual awakening. With regard to this, they seem to be on a faster track than most people, if they choose it. This again is not because lightworkers are in any way better or higher souls. They are, however, older than most souls presently incarnate on earth. This older age should preferably be understood in terms of experience rather than time.
Lightworkers have reached a particular stage of enlightenment before they incarnate on earth and start their mission. They consciously choose to become entrenched in the karmic wheel of life and to experience all forms of confusion and illusion that go with it.
They do this in order to fully understand earth experience. This will enable them to fulfill their mission. Only by going through all stages of ignorance and illusion themselves will they eventually own the tools to help others achieve a state of true happiness and enlightenment.
always TRUTH show me the way
even if my knees get weak
may LOVE always guide me
to help others find what i have found
In a vision, I was shown a man and a woman. On the man were the words 'Light, Intellect' and on the woman, 'Love, Intuition.' I saw there was a great friction between them, even hatred and enmity. Then the woman lay submissively on the ground and the man walked all over her, wiping his feet on her.
I heard a voice say'Arise, oh woman. Be not subservient to man, for are you not his helpmate? Are you not here to complement each other and so bring unity and harmony and complete oneness?' The man must have heard the voice too, because I saw him kneel down beside the woman and gently pick her up. He removed her filthy garment and put on a pure white one.
Then I saw two great hands take the man and woman and mould them into one lump as if they were made of clay. The hands placed the clay into a potter's wheel and created a most beautifully shaped pot. I watched the pot being placed into the fire of purification. When it was taken out again, it shone brilliantly as the sun. It was so beautiful I knew only God's hands could have created it.
I now saw growing out of the pot blooms of every color and description. I realized that was what could happen when there was no longer any division between man and woman, light and love, intellect and intuition. There will be everlasting peace and goodwill only when they come together as one.
Finally, the emerging Goddess energy will remind us that our Source is neither male nor female. Rather, our God is the union of all energy in the universe, both feminine and masculine. 3
Dearest brothers and sisters, around the WORLD ,
learning all the things that were important to us at any given moment and loving and nurturing each other along the way.
Life is too short to be learning a broad range of things that are of no interest to you, when you could be learning every little detail about that which makes your heart sing!! We are all individuals with something of great beauty and importance to share with the world.
We need a loving, rich space to remember the seed we planted well before our birth. For it holds the blueprint of the way we need to grow. We need to take time to tune in and connect to our own source of Light, so that our paths remain illuminated in all their glory and the pureness of our authenticity may shine out and be an inspiration to others.
We need to show Love and Acceptance always. We need to Trust.
Nothing can grow in the shadow of someone else's fear.
Your A ~light.
~Love .