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Profile Headline: If you can read this, you probably meant to click on a hot chick instead
Last Login: 11 months ago
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About Me
Username: tempomatic
Gender: Male
Body Type: Average
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Grey
Eyes: Blue
Weight: 179 pounds
Height: 70 inches
Age: 54
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Straight
Smoke: Non Smoker
Drink: Occasional
Drugs: Never
Marital Status: Single
Occupation/Major: professional dreamer and ne'er-do-well
School: 3 too many
Favorite Food: Edible panties? nah, really they're kinda bland
Pets: none, but only because I was REALLY hungry that one time...
Automobile: one
About Me: BB, really? Is it too much work to type two extra keys to make 'baby?' :)
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Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life: 'A zygote is a gamete's way of making more gametes. This my be the meaning of life.' Robert A Heinlein
Five Things I Can't Live Without: NPR, DVR, IPv4, MP3, TLAs
Favorite Books: Anything by Terry Pratchett, Carl Hiaasen, Fareed Zakaria, Neal Stephenson, William Gibson, Kurt Vonnegut, lots of others. I usually spend at least an hour reading each day.
Favorite Songs: Everyone says, 'oh I love music,' right? I'm kinda weird, i'm sorta meh about music. My Ipod is full of podcasts, but only about 10-20 albums. That said, if my radio isn't on NPR, I like fossil rock like Zepplin, The Stones, The Who, etc.
Favorite Movies: Empire Strikes Back, Pulp Fiction, The Matrix, Dr. Strangelove, The Godfather, The Hunt for Red October, Serenity, Clerks and about 2 zillion others. I am a MAJOR film buff. I know more film trivia than you, don't even try :P
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done: I road tripped 2500 miles in a friend's car with 3 friends without his permission. He was not pleased with us. :( Then, over 15 years later, drove the same route solo to move to a new city.
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now: With her, looking right into her eyes.
Hobbies: We are living in a golden age of Television, so I watch way too much. I play video games, though not nearly as many as I used to. Looking forward to Bioshock Infinite (YOW that trailer looks awesome!). If you recognize the game my avatar comes from, you get +1 to nerd.
Talents: I'm a master of Useless Knowledge. Also, I can have an actual, honest-to-God conversation with MFC models. My current talent is also losing weight, and like most people doing that, I can't seem to shut the hell up about it. :)
Perfect Mate: I'll gladly take an imperfect mate. Perfection is way overrated, flaws mean character.
Turn Ons/Offs: Not gonna lie to ya, I like-a da redheads, though brown hair is almost as good. Glasses, smarts are always sexy. Turn-offs: fake boobs, fake orgasms, fake hair, Faux News. And oh, yeah, I know lotsa guys like bimbos, but I can't stand dumb.
Best Reason to Get to Know Me: I'm the guy who can fix your computer. Kind of like your friend with a truck, but not as useful when you're moving.
Message Wall
Be careful of MagickMinx. If you become a regular she may eventually try to rip you off like she did with me.
really awesome guy! I enjoy having you in my room
such a cool dude! enjoys my corny jokes and watches it's always sunny with me!! fuck yesss! <3<3<3
You have always bean so sweet to me thank you
your awesome btw!!!! xoxo
~*Happy Birthday Tempie Darlin*~ I hope you're well and have a very lovely day!!! <3
ur so sweety i love talking to u
Hey there, noticed you havn't been online in a while and just wanted to say hi you're awsome hun
I added ya on there, Merc, you belong there.
hey wtf how cum im not on ur fav list its ok i still luv ya.....ur kewl bb and yes I use bb....hee hee.... luv Merc xxoxoxoxooxoxox......
You're my favorite
Hey babe. Hope ur having a good night. Thanks for your patience. My internet speed is f'd up I will be on tomorrow as long as it gets fixed by then. XOXOXO
Hey! Just stopping by your profile to say thanks for always being someone to talk to and always being kind! I will be back on cam once I feel closer to 100%
How did I miss your post? Thanks Dolly!
Tempooooo! You're super coool, just know that!

Wait, TWO hotties comment on my profile? I rule!
ill make sure to wear my glasses for you once in a while. oh and im a wow nerd too. well used to be. til my computer wont run it anymore. boo
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